When you need oral surgery in Barrie, you can trust the same skilled dental team that keeps your smile healthy. We offer a selection of oral surgeries in one place, delivered by Dour dentists. Their approach is designed to deliver the most comfortable experiences for every patient!
Sedation Dentistry For Oral Surgeries
Our Barrie dental office offers a comprehensive list of oral surgeries that are designed with comfort in mind. To achieve this, we provide safe, advanced sedation dentistry services for those with dental anxiety, special healthcare needs, or for those undergoing a lengthy procedure.
During your surgical consultation, our dentists will assess your needs and health history to determine the best sedation level for your needs.
Dental Implants
Dental implants offer permanent replacements for one or more lost teeth. Dental implants offer long-lasting and natural-looking results by using titanium posts implanted into the jawbone where luminous crowns can then be attached. For patients who are missing a single tooth, a few teeth, or a complete set, dental implants are built to last a lifetime!
We offer the following dental implant systems:
- Single Dental Implants
- All-on-4® Dental Implants
- Hybrid Dental Implants
- Hybridge Dental Implants
Dental Extractions
Whether it’s a wisdom tooth or a tooth that has experienced trauma or injury, sometimes dental extractions are necessary. At Dentistry By The Bay in Barrie, Ontario, we will do everything we can to make this treatment as painless and forgettable as possible.
Our doctors may determine that you need a tooth extraction for various reasons. Some teeth are extracted because they are severely decayed; others may have advanced periodontal disease or have broken in a way that cannot be repaired. Other teeth may need removal because they are poorly positioned in the mouth (such as impacted teeth), or in preparation for orthodontic treatment
At the time of the extraction, we will numb your tooth, jawbone, and gums that surround the area with a local anesthetic.
Post-Operative Care for Dental Extractions
After tooth extraction, it’s important for a blood clot to form to stop the bleeding and begin the healing process. Bite on a gauze pad for 30 to 45 minutes immediately after the appointment. If the bleeding or oozing persists, place another gauze pad and bite firmly for another 30 minutes. You may have to do this several times to staunch the flow of blood.
After the blood clot forms, it is important not to disturb or dislodge the clot. Do not rinse vigorously, suck on straws, smoke, drink alcohol or chew on food next to the extraction site for 72 hours, and limit vigorous exercise for the next 24 hours, as this increases blood pressure and may cause more bleeding from the extraction site.
Following treatment, you may feel some pain and experience some swelling. An ice pack or an unopened bag of frozen peas or corn applied to the area will keep swelling to a minimum. Take pain medications as prescribed.
After a few days you should feel fine, and be able to resume your normal activities. If you have heavy bleeding, severe pain, continued swelling for two to three days, or a reaction to the medication, call us immediately.
Root Canal Treatment
Root canal therapy can save a tooth that has become severely infected or decayed. When diagnosis indicates the need for a root canal treatment, our first priority is our patients’ peace of mind. Offering an extensive menu of pain-management options, our first order of business is to ensure that our patients are at-ease about the procedure. Our dentists at Dentistry by the Bay make root canal therapy as relaxing as possible.
You may need a root canal treatment if you experience any of the following signs and symptoms:
- Spontaneous pain even when you’re not eating or drinking
- Pain that wakes you up in the middle of the night
- Toothache that worsens when pressure is applied or when eating
- Darkening or discolouration of a tooth
- Recurring swelling of the gums
- Tenderness in the gums
- Extreme sensitivity to cold or heat
For most patients, a root canal can be performed in a single visit. Our pre-treatment preparation ensures that both the tooth and the affected area are fully anesthetized for the entire procedure. In most cases, once the tooth is repaired we recommend protecting it with a durable porcelain crown.
Our Barrie dental team performs frenectomies for young patients who experience dysfunction in the lips and tongues related to the frenum. A frenum or frenulum is a small piece of tissue that attaches either the upper lip to the gum tissue, or the tongue to the floor of the mouth. If the frenum becomes attached too tightly, it may cause a tongue-tie, impaired speech, problems with eating or drinking, pulling on the gums, and more.
During a frenectomy, our dentist will make a small incision within the frenum, to allow for greater movement of the lips and restored function of the tongue. This simple procedure can be done in-office with a local anesthetic, producing instant results. The incision site usually heals in a few days with little to no discomfort!
Schedule Your Surgical Consultation
If you need oral surgery near Barrie, you can trust the skilled team at Dentistry by the Bay to keep you comfortable every step of the way. Call today to schedule your surgical consultation with our dentists!